Kintsugi, reflets de femmes. Série photographique sur la résilience des femmes victimes de violence.

Exhibition of the Kintsugi, women reflection serie at the Ministry of Justice : as part of the Ministry of Justice’s symposium on domestic violence, I am honored to exhibit my Kintsugi, women reflection  serie at the Ministry of Justice from November 4 to 15, 2024.

Kintsugi, âmes d'efants, photographie sur céramique cassée et réparée au kintsugi

Exhibition of the Kintsugi, children’s souls serie at the Parliament of Brittany: the serie will be on display at the Parliament of Brittany from December 2 to 13, 2024. Speech at the Ministry of Justice Grand Ouest conference on the child, witness and victim, at Sciences Po Rennes on December 6, 2024.

It will also be on display at the Prime Minister’s Office from November 18 to 29.

Luna. Tirage pigmentaire réparé à l'or 24 carats

I’m a finalist for the Estee Lauder Pink Ribbon Breast Cancer Award.

When I met Luna through social networks, so young and so strong, after breast cancer at just 26 and multiple ordeals, I saw how she had become a role model for all fighters. When we met in ‘real life’ for a moment of sharing and our photo shoot, an alchemy took place. Like that which occurs when gold powder is deposited on lacquer…

Back on the exhibition at the Purple Gallery in April 2024 during Art Paris.

France TV report for Culture Prime on my work on the Kintsugi and on children in exile.

The Paris Court of Appeal has exhibited the Kintsugi series, reflections of women, on the occasion of March 8.

The series was also exhibited at the National School of Youth Judicial Protection in Roubaix, then at the Court of Appeal of Amiens, the TGI of Béthune, and the Court of Appeal of Douai.

couverture miroir de l'art

I received the Miroir de l’Art prize during the exhibition Figuration Critique and my works are published on this occasion in the special edition Kaleidoscope of the Magazine Miroir de l’Art.

  • Article in the Causette magazine about my Kintsugi works.

I was the guest of honor at the exhibition of photographers of the 15th City Hall in Paris.

couverture miroir de l'art

Childhood group exhibition at the Capazza Gallery. Enfances is an exhibition designed as an ode to wonder.

It offers the viewer, through the expressions of artists, the possibility of (re)immersing in childhood, through a poetic and intimate vision of it.

Galerie Capazza

Laetitia Lesaffre oeuvre

Women’s Objective Award

I have the immense pleasure of being chosen by the Objectif Femmes jury and to be the Objectif Femmes winner, with my series DE-SOL-ES, childhood in exile.

Hegoa Gallery: Reflets exhibition. Hegoa Gallery.

Galerie Youn – Montreal: Group Exhibition July-August

Melting art at Fotover.

Exhibition images

Exposition Maison de la photographie de Lille

You can also find my works:

Paris: Galerie HEGOA. 16 rue de Beaune. 75007 Paris. 

in Lille: Melting Art Gallery. 34 Rue de la Halle. Lille

in Biarritz: Art Traffik. Anglet. 

Also represented by Sturgis Art Gallery (NYC), Lemon Frame (TI).